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EZSimulate() is a user friendly wrapper to SimulateMultiCondition(). It sets convenient defaults so as to quickly generate easy to interpret output. EZSimulate() has all of the same parameters as SimulateMultiCondition(), but it also has a number of additional parameters that guide its default behavior and allow you to simulate multi-condition data without specifying the multiple, sometimes complex, arguments that you would need to specify in SimulateMultiCondition() to get the same behavior. In particular, users only have to set a single parameter, nfeatures (number of features to simulate data for), by default. The EZSimulate()-unique parameters ntreatments and nreps have default values that guide the simulation in the case where only nfeatures is specified. In particular, nreps of ntreatments different conditions will be simulated, with the assumed model log(kdeg) ~ treatment and log(ksyn) ~ 1. In other words, Different kdeg values will be simulated for each treatment level, and ksyn values will not differ across conditions.


  ntreatments = 2,
  nreps = 3,
  nctlreps = 1,
  metadf = NULL,
  mean_formula = NULL,
  param_details = NULL,
  seqdepth = nfeatures * 2500,
  label_time = 2,
  pnew = 0.05,
  pold = 0.001,
  readlength = 200,
  Ucont = 0.25,
  feature_prefix = "Gene",
  dispslope = 5,
  dispint = 0.01,
  logkdegsdtrend_slope = -0.3,
  logkdegsdtrend_intercept = -2.25,
  logksynsdtrend_slope = -0.3,
  logksynsdtrend_intercept = -2.25,
  logkdeg_mean = -1.9,
  logkdeg_sd = 0.7,
  logksyn_mean = 2.3,
  logksyn_sd = 0.7,
  logkdeg_diff_avg = 0,
  logksyn_diff_avg = 0,
  logkdeg_diff_sd = 0.5,
  logksyn_diff_sd = 0.5,
  pdiff_kd = 0.1,
  pdiff_ks = 0,
  pdiff_both = 0,
  pdo = 0



Number of "features" (e.g., genes) for which to simulated data.


Number of distinct treatments to simulate. This parameter is only relevant if metadf is not provided.


Number of replicates of each treatment to simulate. This parameter is only relevant if metadf is not provided


Number of -s4U replicates of each treatment to simulate. This parameter is only relevant if metadf is not provided.


A data frame with the following columns:

  • sample: Names given to samples to simulate.

  • : Any number of columns with any names (not taken by other metadf columns) storing factors by which the samples can be stratified. These can be referenced in mean_formula, described below.

These parameters (described more below) can also be included in metadf to specify sample-specific simulation parameter:

  • seqdepth

  • label_time

  • pnew

  • pold

  • readlength

  • Ucont


A formula object that specifies the linear model used to relate the factors in the

columns of metadf to average log(kdegs) and log(ksyns) in each sample.


A data frame with one row for each column of the design matrix obtained from model.matrix(mean_formula, metadf) that describes how to simulate the linear model parameters. The columns of this data frame are:

  • param: Name of linear model parameter as it appears in the column names of the design matrix from model.matrix(mean_formula, metadf).

  • reference: Boolean; TRUE if you want to treat that parameter as a "reference". This means that all other parameter values that aren't global parameters are set equal to this unless otherwise determined (see pdiff_* parameters for how it is determined if a parameter will differ from the reference).

  • global: Boolean; TRUE if you want to treat that parameter as a global parameter. This means that a single value is used for all features.

  • logkdeg_mean: If parameter is the reference, then its value for the log(kdeg) linear model will be drawn from a normal distribution with this mean. If it is a global parameter, then this value will be used. If it is neither of these, then its value in the log(kdeg) linear model will either be the reference (if there is no difference between this condition's value and the reference) or the reference's value + a normally distributed random variable centered on this value.

  • logkdeg_sd: sd used for draws from normal distribution as described for logkdeg_mean.

  • logksyn_mean: Same as logkdeg_mean but for log(ksyn) linear model.

  • logksyn_sd: Same as logkdeg_sd but for log(kdeg) linear model.

  • pdiff_ks: Proportion of features whose value of this parameter in the log(ksyn) linear model will differ from the reference's. Should be a number between 0 and 1, inclusive. For example, if pdiff_ks is 0.1, then for 10% of features, this parameter will equal the reference parameter + a normally distributed random variable with mean logksyn_mean and sd logksyn_sd. For the other 90% of features, this parameter will equal the reference.

  • pdiff_kd: Same as pdiff_ks but for log(kdeg) linear model.

  • pdiff_both: Proportion of features whose value for this parameter in BOTH the log(kdeg) and log(ksyn) linear models will differ from the reference. Value must be between 0 and min(c(pdiff_kd, pdiff_ks)) in that row.

If param_details is not specified by the user, the first column of the design matrix is assumed to represent the reference parameter, all parameters are assumed to be non-global, logkdeg_mean and logksyn_mean are set to the equivalently named parameter values described below for the reference and logkdeg_diff_avg and logksyn_diff_avg for all other parameters, logkdeg_sd and logksyn_sd are set to the equivalently named parameter values described below for the reference and logkdeg_diff_sd and logksyn_diff_sd for all other parameters, and pdiff_kd, pdiff_ks, and pdiff_both are all set to the equivalently named parameter values.


Only relevant if read_vect is not provided; in that case, this is the total number of reads to simulate.


Length of s^4U feed to simulate.


Probability that a T is mutated to a C if a read is new.


Probability that a T is mutated to a C if a read is old.


Length of simulated reads. In this simple simulation, all reads are simulated as being exactly this length.


Probability that a nucleotide in a simulated read is a U.


Name given to the i-th feature is paste0(feature_prefix, i). Shows up in the feature column of the output simulated data table.


Negative binomial dispersion parameter "slope" with respect to read counts. See DESeq2 paper for dispersion model used.


Negative binomial dispersion parameter "intercept" with respect to read counts. See DESeq2 paper for dispersion model used.


Slope for log10(read count) vs. log(kdeg) replicate variability trend


Intercept for log10(read count) vs. log(kdeg) replicate variability trend


Slope for log10(read count) vs. log(ksyn) replicate variability trend


Intercept for log10(read count) vs. log(ksyn) replicate variability trend


Mean of normal distribution from which reference log(kdeg) linear model parameter is drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Standard deviation of normal distribution from which reference log(kdeg) linear model parameter is drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Mean of normal distribution from which reference log(ksyn) linear model parameter is drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Standard deviation of normal distribution from which reference log(ksyn) linear model parameter is drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Mean of normal distribution from which non-reference log(kdeg) linear model parameters are drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Mean of normal distribution from which reference log(ksyn) linear model parameter are drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Standard deviation of normal distribution from which reference log(kdeg) linear model parameter are drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Standard deviation of normal distribution from which reference log(ksyn) linear model parameter are drawn from for each feature if param_details is not provided.


Proportion of features for which non-reference log(kdeg) linear model parameters differ from the reference.


Proportion of features for which non-reference log(ksyn) linear model parameters differ from the reference.


Proportion of features for which BOTH non-reference log(kdeg) and log(ksyn) linear model parameters differ from the reference. ksyns are simulated


Dropout rate; think of this as the probability that a s4U containing molecule is lost during library preparation and sequencing. If pdo is 0 (default) then there is not dropout.