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The first step of almost any NR-seq analysis is estimating how much of each mutational population is present for each feature in each sample. For example, in a standard TimeLapse-seq/SLAM-seq/TUC-seq/etc. experiment, you need to first estimate the fraction of reads from each feature that have high T-to-C mutational content. EstimateFractions() is designed for exactly this task. In this vignette, I will walk through the basics of using EstimateFractions(), while also diving into some of its unique functionality.


# Going to show one tidyr trick to help with cB filtering

# Going to use a bit of dplyr magic in my demonstrations
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

The basics

First, let’s simulate some data to showcase how EstimateFractions() works:

simdata <- EZSimulate(nfeatures = 300, nreps = 2)

ezbdo <- EZbakRData(simdata$cB, simdata$metadf)

Technically, all you need to do is run EstimateFractions(), providing it your EZbakRData object, and all will be fine:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo)
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

Despite this, it is important to realize that EstimateFractions() is automating a lot of things under the hood. In particular, it is making the following assumptions about your data:

  1. You want to analyze every mutational population tracked in your cB file. In this case, that is just the “TC” column of the simulated cB.
  2. All possible mutational populations are present in your data.
  3. The feature sets for which you want to estimate fractions includes each unique combination of all feature columns in your cB. In this case, that is just the “feature” column of the simulated cB.
  4. You want to filter out rows for which all feature columns are the string “__no_feature” or “NA”.
  5. Rows with multiple feature assignments in a given feature column should not be split into separate rows for each feature assignment.

In the rest of this section, I will discuss how to adjust all of these behaviors.

Tuning the mutational modeling

If you have multiple mutation-type columns in your cB, but would only like to analyze a subset of them, this subset can be specified using the mutrate_populations argument:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo, mutrate_populations = "TC")
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

If you check ?EstimateFractions(), you will see that its default value is “all”, which means to use all present mutation-type columns.

In addition, under the hood, EstimateFractions() creates what I have termed a fractions design matrix. This “design matrix” is really just a data frame with n + 1 columns, where n is the number of mutation-types you are analyzing. EZbakR provides some lazily loaded examples for you to check out.

“Standard” TC-only fractions design matrix:

# Observe contents of cB
TC present

There is one column for each mutation-type, and one column called present. Each value under a mutation-type column is either TRUE or FALSE. TRUE indicates that the row describes a population with high levels of that mutation-type. So the first row in this example describes the high T-to-C mutation content population. The value under the present column denotes whether or not that population is expected to be present in your data. The first row has a present value of TRUE because we expect there to be high T-to-C mutation content reads in our +label data (don’t worry about -label controls, they are properly handled automatically). The second row has a TC value of FALSE, indicating that it pertains to the population of reads with low T-to-C mutation content. This population is also expected to exist in a standard NR-seq dataset, so its present value is also `TRUE.

For a more complicated example, consider the fractions design matirx for TILAC. TILAC is a method where an s4U labeled RNA population is mixed with an s6G labeled population. In this case, there are expected to be reads with either high T-to-C content (new reads from the s4U labeled sample), high G-to-A content (new reads from the s6G labeled sample), and reads with low T-to-C and G-to-A mutational content (old reads from either sample). However, you will NEVER expect a read with both high T-to-C and high G-to-A content, as there are no samples subjected to both labels:

# Observe contents of cB
TC GA present

Because of this the present value for the TC == TRUE and GA == TRUE row is FALSE. The dually high mutation population is not present in this data. All other populations are present though, so their present values are TRUE.

You can automatically generate a fraction design table as such:

# Three populations for fun:
fd_table <- create_fraction_design(c("TC", "GA", "CG"))
TC GA CG present

By default, create_fraction_design assumes all possible populations are present. You can edit this table to better reflect the true circumstances of your particular experiment. If you don’t provide a fraction design table, EstimateFractions() will use the default output of create_fraction_design() to ensure that all possible populations are modeled. This is rarely going to be a truly accurate fraction design table for multi-label experiments, but its a conservative default that you can easily adjust.

Tuning the feature set choice and filtering

fastq2EZbakR, the upstream pipeline I developed to conveniently produce output compatible with EZbakR, is able to assign reads to lots of different “features”. These include genes, exonic regions of genes, transcript equivalence classes, exon-exon junctions, and more. To make full effective use of this diverse set of feature assignments, its important to understand how EstimateFractions() will treat the various feature columns in your cB. Often, you will be interested in analyzing subsets of these features separately. For example, it might make sense to estimate fractions for gene + transcript equivalence class combos for performing isoform-level analyses (discussed later in this vignette), gene + exon-exon junction combos, and the standard exonic-gene feature, all with the same cB. You can specify which features to use in a given analysis via setting the features argument:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo, features = 'feature')
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

In this example, there is only one feature column called feature, but in practice, the features argument can be provided a vector of feature column names.

Sometimes, a read was not assignable to a given feature. In that case, there is likely a characteristic string that denotes failed assignment. In the current version of fastq2EZbakR, this is "__no_feature" (though in older versions was NA, which is a bit harder to deal with; more on that later). The default is thus for EstimateFractions() to filter out any rows of the cB for which all analyzed features have this value. This is set by the remove_features argument, which is a vector of strings that should be considered ripe for filtering:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo, remove_features = c("__no_feature", "feature1"))
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

You can also use this to filter out certain features, like “feature1” in the simulated example. As I mentioned though, all analyzed feature columns need to have one of the remove_features strings in order for them to get filtered. This behavior can be changed to the opposite extreme, where only a single feature needs to fail this test for the entire row to get filtered out:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo, filter_condition = `|`)
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

As I mentioned, older versions of fastq2EZbakR and bam2bakR would denote failed assignment with an NA. While the default value for remove_features includes the string "NA", this does not properly handle filtering out of columns with the actual value NA. You can convert NA’s in your cB file with tidyr::replace_na() to whatever string you please:

example_df <- data.frame(feature = c('A', NA, 'C'), 
                         other_feature = c(NA, 'Y', 'Z'))

replaced_df <- replace_na(example_df,
                          list(feature = '__no_feature',
                               other_feature = 'NA'))
feature other_feature
__no_feature Y

Finally, some feature assignments will be ambiguous. That is, one read will assign to multiple instances of a given feature. For example, when assigning reads to exon-exon junctions, one read may overlap multiple exon-exon junctions. In fastq2EZbakR, such instances are handled by including the names of all features a read assigned to, separated by “+”. You can see an example of this if you inspect the cB created by EZbakR’s isoform simulator, SimulateIsoforms(). In some cases, you will want to split these rows into multiple rows for each feature assignment. To do that, you can specify the split_multi_features and multi_feature_cols arguments:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo,
                           split_multi_features = TRUE,
                           multi_feature_cols = "feature")
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

split_multi_features = TRUE will copy the data for multi-feature assignment rows for any of the feature columns denoted in multi_feature_cols. If the feature names for multi-feature assigned reads is different from “+”, this can be addressed by altering the multi_feature_sep argument.

Improving estimates

Two things can impact the accuracy of fractions estimation:

  1. Dropout: this is the phenomenon by which metabolically labeled RNA or sequencing reads derived from such RNA are lost either during library preparation or during computational processing of the raw sequencing data. Several labs have independently identified and discussed the prevalence of dropout in NR-seq and other metabolic labeling RNA-seq experiments. Recent work suggests that there are three potential causes for this: 1) Loss of labeled RNA on plastic surfaces during RNA extraction, 2) RT falloff due to modifications of the metabolic labeling made by some NR-seq chemistries, and 3) loss of reads with many NR-induced mutations due to poor read alignment.
  2. Inaccurate mutation rate estimates

In this section, we will discuss some strategies you can use to address these two challenges.

Correcting dropout

If you have -label data to compare to, EZbakR can use this data to quantify and correct for dropout. The strategy used by EZbakR is identical to that previously implemented in bakR. You can read more about the mathematical details of this strategy here. To implement dropout correction, run CorrectDropout(), specifying which metadf sample characteristic columns should be used to associate -label and +label samples:

ezbdo <- CorrectDropout(ezbdo, 
                        grouping_factors = "treatment")
#> Estimated rates of dropout are:
#>    sample         pdo
#> 1 sample1 0.035608648
#> 2 sample2 0.000000000
#> 3 sample3 0.000000000
#> 4 sample4 0.006755018

grouping_factors is technically not a required argument, as EZbakR will try to infer it automatically. EZbakR assumes that all metadf sample characteristic columns should be used for grouping though, so its important to know that this default can be altered as necessary.

Inferring background mutation rates from -label data

In some cases (e.g., if label incorporation rates are low, or if a very short label time was used), it can be difficult to estimate the high and low mutation rates in a given sample. To curtail this challenge, you can use -label data to infer background mutation rates, and then estimate the chemically induced mutation rate fixing the background mutation rate to the -label rate. To do this, you just need to set pold_from_nolabel to TRUE:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo,
                           pold_from_nolabel = TRUE)
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

By default, a single background mutation rate (pold) will be estimated using all of the -label data. Alternatively, you can specify sample characteristics by which to stratify -label data, so that one pold is estimated per group of samples with the same value for the metadf columns specified in grouping_factors:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo,
                           pold_from_nolabel = TRUE,
                           grouping_factors = 'treatment')
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

Fancy functionalities

In the first section, we discussed the basic functionality of EstimateFractions() and how to alter its key behaviors. In this section, I will discuss some of the cooler, more niche analysis strategies that EstimateFractions() can implement.

Hierarchical mutation rate model

The two-component mixture modeling strategy implemented in tools like bakR and GRAND-SLAM, is largely considered the “gold-standard” in analyzing NR-seq data. Like any statistical method though, it makes assumptions, and real data will often violate these assumptions. Namely, these models typically assume that every RNA synthesized in the presence of metabolic label has an equal probability of incorporating said label. What if this is not true though?This may seem like a pedantic statistical question, but there is evidence that some RNA’s deviate strongly from this assumption. For example, it has been noted (paper from the Churchman lab here) that mitochondrial RNA have much lower mutation rates in reads from new RNA than other RNA.

To account for this heterogeneity, EstimateFractions() can implement what I will term a “hierarchical” two-component mixture model. “Hierarchical” means that a new read mutation rate will be estimated for each feature, but this estimate will be strongly informed by the sample-wide average new read mutation rate. In other words, if a given feature has enough coverage and strong evidence for its new read mutation rate being different from the sample-wide average, then this feature-specific mutation rate will be estimated and used in estimating the fraction of high mutation content reads for this feature. If a feature has limited coverage though, its new read mutation rate estimate will be strongly pushed towards to the sample-wide average. In other words, the feature-specific mutation rates are “regularized” towards the sample-wide average. This strategy will take a bit longer to run and can be implemented as so:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo, 
                           strategy = 'hierarchical')
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Estimating distribution of feature-specific pnews
#> Estimating fractions with feature-specific pnews
#> Processing output

When doing this, the feature-specific and sample-wide mutation rates will both be saved in the ezbdo$mutation_rates list.As usual, let’s check the results:

est <- EZget(ezbdo, type = 'fractions')
truth <- simdata$PerRepTruth

compare <- dplyr::inner_join(est, truth, by = c('sample', 'feature'))


Still good! For now, I suggest using this strategy with caution though, as it is technically still “experimental”. In particular, watch out for extreme feature-specific mutation rates, which can be IDed in the

Isoform deconvolution

For many years now, we have had tools to estimate transcript isoform abundances from RNA-seq data. These include RSEM, kallisto, Salmon, and many more. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could similarly estimate synthesis and degradation rate constants for individual transcript isoforms with NR-seq data? EZbakR now implements such an analysis strategy! To use it, you will need to have a cB in which reads have been assigned to their transcript equivalence class, which is just a fancy way of saying “the set of isoforms with which they are completely consistent”. fastq2EZbakR is able to do this, so check out its documentation for details. We can simulate such a cB ourselves for demonstration purposes:

# Simulates a single sample worth of data
simdata_iso <- SimulateIsoforms(nfeatures = 300)

# We have to manually create the metadf in this case
metadf <- data.frame(sample = 'sampleA', 
                     tl = 4, 
                     condition = 'A')

ezbdo <- EZbakRData(simdata_iso$cB,

If you inspect the cB simulated by SimulateIsoforms(), you will note that there is a column called transcripts, which represents transcript equivalence classes. The transcript IDs for all of the transcripts a read is consistent with are separated by “+”’s, though in this case, we don’t want to separate and copy the data for each isoform. Whether, we want to estimate fractions for each unique equivalence class:

ezbdo <- EstimateFractions(ezbdo)
#> Estimating mutation rates
#> Summarizing data for feature(s) of interest
#> Averaging out the nucleotide counts for improved efficiency
#> Estimating fractions
#> Processing output

To get isoform-specific estimates, we will need to run a new function, called EstimateIsoformFractions(). Before doing this though, we need to import transcript isoform quantification estimates from tools like RSEM, which will be used by EstimateIsoformFractions(). To do this, you can use ImportIsoformQuant(). ImportIsoformQuant() has three parameters:

  • obj: The EZbakRData object you want to which you want to add isoform quantification information
  • files: A named vector of paths to each isoform quantification output file you want to import. The names should be the relevant sample names as they appear in your cB.
  • quant_tool: The tool you used for isoform quantification.

ImportIsoformQuant() is just a convenient wrapper for tximport::tximport, so I urge you to read that tools’s documentation for more information (documentation here).

In this example, I will hack a solution, since I don’t have any isoform quantification output to use. You could technically do something similar if you are having a tough time using ImportIsoformQuant(), but I wouldn’t recommend it:

### Hack in the true, simulated isoform levels
reads <- simdata_iso$ground_truth %>%
  dplyr::select(transcript_id, true_count, true_TPM) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(sample = 'sampleA',
                effective_length = 10000) %>%
  dplyr::rename(expected_count = true_count,
                TPM = true_TPM)

# Name of table needs to have "isoform_quant" in it
ezbdo[['readcounts']][['simulated_isoform_quant']] <- reads

### Perform deconvolution
ezbdo <- EstimateIsoformFractions(ezbdo)
#> Analyzing sample sampleA...

We can then see how it did by comparing to ground truth:

est <- EZget(ezbdo, 
             type = 'fractions',
             features = "transcript_id")
truth <- simdata_iso$ground_truth

compare <- truth %>%
  dplyr::inner_join(est, by = c("feature", "transcript_id"))


This simulation is a bit extreme as around 50% of all isoform abundance differences are assumed to be completely driven by differences in isoform stability, which leads to underestimation of some of the crazy extreme fraction news. Other than that though, it looks good!

Using the Apache Arrow backend

NOTE: The documentation for this section lacks good examples as I don’t yet have an example external dataset included with EZbakR’s installation. Thus, I will be describing the details of how the analysis would go without showing a real analysis. Look for this to change in the not-to-distant future.

What if you have a massive dataset with 10s of samples that you would like to analyze? Loading the entire cB table for such a dataset into memory will surely crash most laptops. If you have access to some sort of HPC cluster, you could of course use that, but there is nothing like the convenience and interactivity of working with a dataset on your personal computer. Because of this, EZbakR is able to use Apache Arrow’s R frontend (i.e., the arrow package) to help with large datasets. The steps for this process are described below.

Step 1: Create an Arrow Dataset

You need to create an Arrow Dataset partioned by the “sample” column of your cB. This will create a set of .parquet files, with one file created for each sample. This will allow EstimateFractions() to load your data in one sample at a time, so as to only hold a single sample of the cB in RAM at a time:


### Move into the directory with your cB file

### This will not load the cB into memory 
# You can run `read_csv("cB.csv.gz", n_max = 1)` to check to see what
# the order of the columns are, as this order needs to match your provided
# schema.
ds <- open_dataset("cB.csv.gz", 
                   format = "csv",
                   schema = schema(
                     sample = string(),
                     rname = string(),
                     GF = string(),
                     XF = string(),
                     exon_bin = string(),
                     bamfile_transcripts = string(),
                     junction_start = string(),
                     junction_end = string(),
                     TC = int64(),
                     nT = int32(),
                     sj = bool(),
                     n = int64()

### Create Arrow dataset
ds %>%
  group_by(sample) %>%
                format = "parquet")

See the arrow documentation for a lot more details about how to tune the dataset creation process. This will never load the entire cB into memory, though may use a bit too much RAM if you try to add some of the custom filtering or summarization discussed in the arrows docs.

Step 2: Create EZbakRArrowData object

You can then create an EZbakRArrowData object similarly to how you would create a standard EZbakRData object:

ds <- arrow::open_dataset("Path/to/where/you/want/to/Arrow/Dataset/")

metadf <- tibble(sample = c("WT_1", "WT_2", "WT_ctl",
                            "KO_1", "KO_2", "KO_ctl"),
                 tl = c(2, 2, 0,
                        2, 2, 0),
                 genotype = rep(c('WT', 'KO'), each = 3))

ezbado <- EZbakRArrowData(ds, metadf)

Step 3: Run EstimateFractions like normal

Finally, just run EstimateFractions() with all of the settings you would normally use if you were working with an EZbakRData object:

ezbado <- EstimateFractions(ezbado,
                            features = c("GF", "XF",
                                         "junction_start", "junction_end"),
                            filter_cols = c("XF", "junction_start",
                            filter_condition = `|`,
                            split_multi_features = TRUE,
                            multi_feature_cols = c("junction_start",