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This is an alternative to the default EstimateFractions method that can help with analyses of larger than RAM datasets. The provided "cB" is expected to be an on-disk Arrow Dataset. Furthermore, it is expected to be partitioned by the sample name, which will allow this method to read only a single-sample worth of data into memory at a time. This can significantly reduce RAM usage. Input object should be created with EZbakRArrowData().


# S3 method for class 'EZbakRArrowData'
  features = "all",
  mutrate_populations = "all",
  fraction_design = NULL,
  Poisson = TRUE,
  strategy = c("standard", "hierarchical"),
  filter_cols = "all",
  filter_condition = `&`,
  remove_features = c("NA", "__no_feature"),
  split_multi_features = FALSE,
  multi_feature_cols = NULL,
  multi_feature_sep = "+",
  pnew_prior_mean = -2.94,
  pnew_prior_sd = 0.3,
  pold_prior_mean = -6.5,
  pold_prior_sd = 0.5,
  hier_readcutoff = 300,
  init_pnew_prior_sd = 0.8,
  pnew_prior_sd_min = 0.01,
  pold_est = NULL,
  pold_from_nolabel = FALSE,
  grouping_factors = NULL,
  character_limit = 20,
  overwrite = TRUE



EZbakRArrowData object


Character vector of the set of features you want to stratify reads by and estimate proportions of each RNA population. The default of "all" will use all feature columns in the obj's cB file.


Character vector of the set of mutational populations that you want to infer the rates of mutations for. By default, all mutation rates are estimated for all populations present in cB.


"Design matrix" specifying which RNA populations exist in your samples. By default, this will be created automatically and will assume that all combinations of the mutrate_populations you have requested to analyze are present in your data. If this is not the case for your data, then you will have to create one manually.

If you call the function create_fraction_design(...), providing a vector of mutational population names as input, it will create a fraction_design table for you, with the assumption that every single possible combination of mutational populations is present in your data. You can then edit the present column as necessary to get an appropriate fraction_design for your use case. See below for details on the required contents of fraction_design and its interpretation.

fraction_design must have one column per element of mutrate_populations, with these columns sharing the name of the mutrate_populations. It must also have one additional column named present. All elements of fraction_design should be booleans (TRUE or FALSE). It should include all possible combinations of TRUE and FALSE for the mutrate_populations columns. A TRUE in one of these columns represents a population of RNA that is expected to have above background mutation rates of that type. present will denote whether or not that population of RNA is expected to exist in your data.

For example, assume you are doing a typical TimeLapse-seq/SLAM-seq/TUC-seq/etc. experiment where you have fed cells with s^4U and recoded any incorporated s^4U to a nucleotide that reverse transcriptase will read as a cytosine. That means that mutrate_populations will be "TC", since you want to estimate the fraction of RNA that was s^4U labeled, i.e., the fraction with high T-to-C mutation content. fraction_design will thus have two columns: TC and present. It will also have two rows. One of these rows must have a value of TRUE for TC, and the other must have a value of FALSE. The row with a value of TRUE for TC represents the population of reads with high T-to-C mutation content, i.e., the reads from RNA that were synthesized while s^4U was present. The row with a value of FALSE for TC reprsents the population of reads with low T-to-C mutation content, i.e., the reads from RNA that existed prior to s^4U labeling. Both of these populations exist in your data, so the value of the present column should be TRUE for both of these. See the lazily loaded standard_fraction_design object for an example of what this tibble could look like. ("lazily loaded standard_fraction_design object" means that if you run print(standard_fraction_design) after loading EZbakR with library(EZbakR), then you can see its contents. More specifically, lazily loaded means that this table is not loaded into memory until you ask for it, via something like a print() call.)

As another example, consider TILAC, a NR-seq extension developed by the Simon lab. TILAC was originally described in Courvan et al., 2022. In this method, two populations of RNA, one from s^4U fed cells and one from s^6G fed cells, are pooled and prepped for sequencing together. This allows for internally controlled comparisons of RNA abundance without spike-ins. s^4U is recoded to a cytosine analog by TimeLapse chemistry (or similar chemistry) and s^6G is recoded to an adenine analog. Thus, fraction_design includes columns called TC and GA. A unique aspect of the TILAC fraction_design table is that one of the possible populations, TC and GA both TRUE, is denoted as not present (present = FALSE). This is because there is no RNA that was exposed to both s^4U and s^6G, thus a population of reads with both high T-to-C and G-to-A mutational content should not exist. To see an example of what a TILAC fraction_design table could look like, see the lazily loaded tilac_fraction_design object.


If TRUE, use U-content adjusted Poisson mixture modeling strategy. Often provides significant speed gain without sacrificing accuracy.


String denoting which new read mutation rate estimation strategy to use. Options include:

  • standard: Estimate a single new read and old read mutation rate for each sample. This is done via a binomial mixture model aggregating over

  • hierarchical: Estimate feature-specific new read mutation rate, regularizing the feature-specific estimate with a sample-wide prior. Currently only compatible with single mutation type mixture modeling.


Which feature columns should be used to filter out feature-less reads. The default value of "all" checks all feature columns for whether or not a read failed to get assigned to said feature.


Only two possible values for this make sense: `&` and `|`. If set to `&`, then all features in filter_cols must have a "null" value (i.e., a value included in remove_features) for the row to get filtered out. If set to `|`, then only a single feature in filter_cols needs to have one of these "null" values to get filtered out.


All of the feature names that could indicate failed assignment of a read to a given feature. the fastq2EZbakR pipeline uses a value of '__no_feature'.


If a set of reads maps ambiguously to multiple features, should data for such reads be copied for each feature in the ambiguous set? If this is TRUE, then multi_feature_cols also must be set. Examples where this should be set to TRUE includes when analyzing exonic bins (concept defined in original DEXSeq paper), exon-exon junctions, etc.


Character vector of columns that have the potential to include assignment to multiple features. Only these columns will have their features split if split_multi_features is TRUE.


String representing how ambiguous feature assignments are distinguished in the feature names. For example, the default value of "+" denotes that if a read maps to multiple features (call them featureA and featureB, for example), then the feature column will have a value of "featureA+featureB" for that read.


Mean for logit(pnew) prior.


Standard deviation for logit(pnew) prior.


Mean for logit(pold) prior.


Standard deviation for logit(pold) prior.


If strategy == hierarchical, only features with this many reads are used to infer the distribution of feature-specific labeled read mutation rates.


If strategy == hierarchical, this is the initial logit(pnew) prior standard deviation to regularize feature-specific labeled read mutation rate estimates.


The minimum logit(pnew) prior standard deviation when strategy is set to "hierarchcial". EZbakR will try to estimate this empirically as the standard deviation of initial feature-specific logit(pnew) estimates using high coverage features, minus the average uncertainty in the logit(pnew) estimates. As this difference can sometimes be negative, a value of pnew_prior_sd_min will be imputed in that case.


Background mutation rate estimates if you have them. Can either be a single number applied to all samples or a named vector of values, where the names should be sample names.


Fix background mutation rate estimate to mutation rates seen in -label samples. By default, a single background rate is used for all samples, inferred from the average mutation rate across all -label samples. The grouping_factors argument can be specified to use certain -label samples to infer background mutation rates for certain sets of +label samples.


If pold_from_nolabel is TRUE, then grouping_factors will specify the sample-detail columns in the metadf that should be used to group -label samples by. Average mutation rates in each group of -label samples will be used as the background mutation rate estimate in +label samples with the same values for the relevant metadf columns.


Maximum number of characters for naming out fractions output. EZbakR will try to name this as a "_" separated character vector of all of the features analyzed. If this name is greater than character_limit, then it will default to "fraction#", where "#" represents a simple numerical ID for the table.


If TRUE and a fractions estimate output already exists that would possess the same metadata (features analyzed, populations analyzed, and fraction_design), then it will get overwritten with the new output. Else, it will be saved as a separate output with the same name + "_#" where "#" is a numerical ID to distinguish the similar outputs.