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In SimulateOneRep, users have the option to either provide vectors of feature-specific read counts, fraction news, kdegs, and ksyns for the simulation, or to have those drawn from relevant distributions whose properties can be tuned by the various optional parameters of SimulateOneRep. The number of mutable nucleotides (nT) in a read is drawn from a binomial distribution with readlength trials and a probability of "success" equal to Ucont. A read's status as new or old is drawn from a Bernoulli distribution with probability of "success" equal to the feature's fraction new. If a read is new, the number of mutations in the read is drawn from a binomial distribution with probability of mutation equal to pnew. If a read is old, the number of mutations is instead drawn from a binomial distribution with probability of mutation equal to pold.


  read_vect = NULL,
  label_time = 2,
  sample_name = "sampleA",
  feature_prefix = "Gene",
  fn_vect = NULL,
  kdeg_vect = NULL,
  ksyn_vect = NULL,
  pnew = 0.05,
  pold = 0.002,
  logkdeg_mean = -1.9,
  logkdeg_sd = 0.7,
  logksyn_mean = 2.3,
  logksyn_sd = 0.7,
  seqdepth = nfeatures * 2500,
  readlength = 200,
  Ucont = 0.25,
  feature_pnew = FALSE,
  pnew_kdeg_corr = FALSE,
  logit_pnew_mean = -2.5,
  logit_pnew_sd = 0.1



Number of "features" (e.g., genes) to simulate data for


Vector of length = nfeatures; specifies the number of reads to be simulated for each feature. If this is not provided, the number of reads simulated is equal to round(seqdepth * (ksyn_i/kdeg_i)/sum(ksyn/kdeg)). In other words, the normalized steady-state abundance of a feature is multiplied by the total number of reads to be simulated and rounded to the nearest integer.


Length of s^4U feed to simulate.


Character vector to assign to sample column of output simulated data table (the cB table).


Name given to the i-th feature is paste0(feature_prefix, i). Shows up in the feature column of the output simulated data table.


Vector of length = nfeatures; specifies the fraction new to use for each feature's simulation. If this is not provided and kdeg_vect is, then fn_vect = 1 - exp(-kdeg_vect*label_time). If both fn_vect and kdeg_vect are not provided, then kdegs are simulated from a joint distribution as described below and converted to a fn_vect as when kdeg_vect is user-provided.


Vector of length = nfeatures; specifies the degradation rate constant to use for each feature's simulation. If this is not provided and fn_vect is, then kdeg_vect = -log(1 - fn_vect)/label_time. If both kdeg_vect and fn_vect are not provided, each feature's kdeg_vect value is drawn from a log-normal distrubition with meanlog = logkdeg_mean and sdlog = logkdeg_sd. kdeg_vect is actually only simulated in the case where read_vect is also not provided, as it will be used to simulate read counts as described above.


Vector of length = nfeatures; specifies the synthesis rate constant to use for each feature's simulation. If this is not provided, and read_vect is also not provided, then each feature's ksyn_vect value is drawn from a log-normal distribution with meanlog = logksyn_mean and sdlog = logksyn_sd. ksyn's do not need to be simulated if read_vect is provided, as they only influence read counts.


Probability that a T is mutated to a C if a read is new.


Probability that a T is mutated to a C if a read is old.


If necessary, meanlog of a log-normal distribution from which kdegs are simulated


If necessary, sdlog of a log-normal distribution from which kdegs are simulated


If necessary, meanlog of a log-normal distribution from which ksyns are simulated


If necessary, sdlog of a log-normal distribution from which ksyns are simulated


Only relevant if read_vect is not provided; in that case, this is the total number of reads to simulate.


Length of simulated reads. In this simple simulation, all reads are simulated as being exactly this length.


Probability that a nucleotide in a simulated read is a U.


Boolean; if TRUE, simulate a different pnew for each feature


Boolean; only relevant if feature_pnew is TRUE. If so, then setting pnew_kdeg_corr to TRUE will ensure that higher kdeg transcripts have a higher pnew.


If feature_pnew is TRUE, then the logit(pnew) for each feature will be drawn from a normal distribution with this mean.


If feature_pnew is TRUE, then the logit(pnew) for each feature will be drawn from a normal distribution with this standard deviation.