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An example fraction_design table for a TILAC experiment. TILAC was originally described in Courvan et al., 2022. In this method, two populations of RNA, one from s^4U fed cells and one from s^6G fed cells, are pooled and prepped for sequencing together. This allows for internally controlled comparisons of RNA abundance without spike-ins. s^4U is recoded to a cytosine analog by TimeLapse chemistry (or similar chemistry) and s^6G is recoded to an adenine analog. Thus, fraction_design includes columns called TC and GA. A unique aspect of the TILAC fraction_design table is that one of the possible populations, TC and GA both TRUE, is denoted as not present (present = FALSE). This is because there is no RNA was exposed to both s^4U and s^6G, thus a population of reads with both high T-to-C and G-to-A mutational content should not exist.





A tibble with 4 rows and 3 columns:


Boolean denoting if population represented by that row has high T-to-C mutational content


Boolean denoting if population represented by that row has high G-to-A mutational content


Boolean denoting if population represented by that row is expected to be present in this dataset