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AverageAndRegularize fits a generalized linear model to your data to effectively average parameter estimates across replicates and get overall uncertainty estimates for those parameters. The linear model to which your data is fit is specified via an R formula object supplied to the formula_mean parameter. Uncertainty estimates are regularized via a hierarchical modeling strategy originally introduced with bakR, though slightly improved upon since then.


  features = NULL,
  parameter = "log_kdeg",
  type = "kinetics",
  kstrat = NULL,
  populations = NULL,
  fraction_design = NULL,
  exactMatch = TRUE,
  repeatID = NULL,
  formula_mean = NULL,
  sd_grouping_factors = NULL,
  include_all_parameters = TRUE,
  sd_reg_factor = 10,
  error_if_singular = TRUE,
  min_reads = 10,
  convert_tl_to_factor = TRUE,
  force_lm = FALSE,
  force_optim = force_lm,
  conservative = FALSE,
  character_limit = 20,
  feature_lengths = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE



An EZbakRFractions or EZbakRKinetics object, which is an EZbakRData object on which EstimateFractions() or EstimateKinetics() has been run.


Character vector of the set of features you want to stratify reads by and estimate proportions of each RNA population. The default of "all" will use all feature columns in the obj's cB.


Parameter to average across replicates of a given condition.


What type of table is the parameter found in? Default is "kinetics", but can also set to "fractions".


If type == "kinetics", then kstrat specifies the kinetic parameter inference strategy.


Character vector of the set of mutational populations that you want to infer the fractions of. Only relevant if type == "fractions".


"Design matrix" specifying which RNA populations exist in your samples. Only relevant if type == "fractions".


If TRUE, then features and populations have to exactly match those for a given fractions table for that table to be used. Means that you can't specify a subset of features or populations by default, since this is TRUE by default.


If multiple kinetics or fractions tables exist with the same metadata, then this is the numerical index by which they are distinguished.


An R formula object specifying how the parameter of interest depends on the sample characteristics specified in obj's metadf. The most common formula will be ~ treatment or ~ treatment:duration, where treatment and duration would be replaced with whatever you called the relevant sample characteristics in your metadf. ~ treatment means that an average value of parameter should be estimated for each set of samples with the same value for treatment in the metadf. ~ treatment:duration specifies that an average value of parameter should be estimated for each set of samples with the same combination of treatment and duration values in the metadf. An example of the latter case is a situation where you have two or more treatments (e.g., drug treated and untreated control) which were applied for different durations of time (e.g., 4 and 8 hours).

NOTE: EZbakR automatically removes any intercept terms from the model. That way, there is no ambiguity about what parameter is defined as the reference.


What metadf columns should data be grouped by when estimating standard deviations across replicates? If this is NULL, then EZbakR will check to see if the formula_mean specifies a formula that cleanly stratifies samples into disjoint groups. For example, the formula ~ treatment will assign each sample to a single factor (its value for the metadf's treatment column). In this case, standard deviations can be calculated for sets of replicates in each treatment group. If such a stratification does not exist, a single standard deviation will be estimated for each feature (i.e., homoskedasticity will be assumed as in standard linear modeling).


If TRUE, an additional table will be saved with the prefix fullfit_, which includes all of the parameters estimated throughout the course of linear modeling and regularization. This can be nice for visualizing the regularized mean-variance trend.


Determines how strongly variance estimates are shrunk towards trend. Higher numbers lead to more regularization. Eventually, this will be replaced with estimation of how much variance there seems to be in the population of variances.


If TRUE, linear model will throw an error if parameters cannot be uniquely identified. This is most often caused by parameters that cannot be estimated from the data, e.g., due to limited replicate numbers or correlated sample characteristics (i.e., all treatment As also correspond to batch As, and all treatment Bs correspond to batch Bs).


Minimum number of reads in all samples for a feature to be kept.


If a label time variable is included in the formula_mean, convert its values to factors so as to avoid performing continuous regression on label times. Defaults to TRUE as including label time in the regression is often meant to stratify samples by their label time if, for example, you are averaging logit(fractions).


Certain formula lend them selves to efficient approximations of the full call to lm(). Namely, formulas that stratify samples into disjoint groups where a single parameter of the model is effectively estimated from each group can be tackled via simple averaging of data from each from group. If you would like to force EZbakR to fit the fully rigorous linear model though, set force_lm to TRUE.


Old parameter that is now passed the value force_lm and will be deprecated in later releases


If TRUE, conservative variance regularation will be performed. In this case, variances below the trend will be regularized up to the trend, and variances above the trend will be left unregularized. This avoids underestimation of variances.


Limit on the number of characters of the name given to the output table. Will attempt to concatenate the parameter name with the names of all of the features. If this is too long, only the parameter name will be used.


Table of effective lengths for each feature combination in your data. For example, if your analysis includes features named GF and XF, this should be a data frame with columns GF, XF, and length.


If TRUE, identical, existing output will be overwritten.