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Combines the output of EstimateFractions with transcript isoform quantification performed by an outside tool (e.g., RSEM, kallisto, salmon, etc.) to infer transcript isoform-specific fraction news (or more generally fraction of reads coming from a particular mutation population).


  features = NULL,
  populations = NULL,
  fraction_design = NULL,
  repeatID = NULL,
  exactMatch = TRUE,
  fraction_name = NULL,
  quant_name = NULL,
  gene_to_transcript = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  TPM_min = 1,
  count_min = 10



An EZbakRData object


Character vector of the set of features you want to stratify reads by and estimate proportions of each RNA population. The default of "all" will use all feature columns in the obj's cB.


Mutational populations that were analyzed to generate the fractions table to use. For example, this would be "TC" for a standard s4U-based nucleotide recoding experiment.


"Design matrix" specifying which RNA populations exist in your samples. By default, this will be created automatically and will assume that all combinations of the mutrate_populations you have requested to analyze are present in your data. If this is not the case for your data, then you will have to create one manually. See docs for EstimateFractions (run ?EstimateFractions()) for more details.


If multiple fractions tables exist with the same metadata, then this is the numerical index by which they are distinguished.


If TRUE, then features and populations have to exactly match those for a given fractions table for that table to be used. Means that you can't specify a subset of features or populations by default, since this is TRUE by default.


Name of fraction estimate table to use. Should be stored in the obj$fractions list under this name. Can also rely on specifying features and/or populations and having EZget() find it.


Name of transcript isoform quantification table to use. Should be stored in the obj$readcounts list under this name. Use ImportIsoformQuant() to create this table. If quant_name is NULL, it will search for tables containing the string "isoform_quant" in their name, as that is the naming convention used by ImportIsoformQuant(). If more than one such table exists, an error will be thrown and you will have to specify the exact name in quant_name.


Table with columns transcript_id and all feature related columns that appear in the relevant fractions table. This is only relevant as a hack to to deal with the case where STAR includes in its transcriptome alignment transcripts on the opposite strand from where the RNA actually originated. This table will be used to filter out such transcript-feature combinations that should not exist.


If TRUE and a fractions estimate output already exists that would possess the same metadata (features analyzed, populations analyzed, and fraction_design), then it will get overwritten with the new output. Else, it will be saved as a separate output with the same name + "_#" where "#" is a numerical ID to distinguish the similar outputs.


Minimum TPM for a transcript to be kept in analysis.


Minimum expected_count for a transcript to be kept in analysis.